![]() The Steps In Making A Blood CovenantBy William HandschumacherRock of Offence Special CommentaryA series of events are set into motion when two people decide they want to "cut the covenant." It is referred to as the blood covenant ceremony and is considered a most serious and solemn event.
The following illustration helps the reader to better understand the binding conditions of a blood covenant. Let's say I want to get together with a friend of mine. For the purpose of this illustration, let's say that his name is Kris. I call Kris on the telephone and say, "Why don't we get together at a restaurant for a steak next Sunday?" Kris agrees and we meet and have a good meal. As we begin to leave, I suddenly realize that I forgot to go to the bank and I have no money to pay my bill. I look over at Kris and say, "Can you believe it? I have no money on me. Can you loan me twenty dollars until tomorrow?" Kris, being a close friend, says, "Sure, no problem." Now let's say that Kris and I conclude we have a special relationship and enter a blood covenant. Kris and I are now bound together in the union that the blood covenant represents. Kris and I are now blood brothers. We meet at the same restaurant and have a good meal together. At the end of the meal, I realize, once again, that I forgot to go to the bank and I have no money to pay my bill. I look over at Kris and say "Can you believe it? I have no money on me. Kris, give me your wallet." Kris could say, "You rude thing! If you ask politely I'll give you what you need." But, he doesn't say that. Why? Because he understands the covenant and knows that everything he has belongs to me and everything I have belongs to him. We are not two individuals but one new man. We share all assets, liabilities and resources. Now I understand that this concept seems radical, but that's only because in America we are not accustomed to the characteristics of covenant. Keep this example in mind as we continue our study. Return To 'Discovering the
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