America Has Changed ... And Now Considers Over Half Of Its Citizens A Threat To Democracy
The World Is Being Prepared For The Rule Of The Anti-Christ
Thanks to the tireless efforts of certain journalists and
congressmen, disturbing information is being released
about the so-called 'January 6th insurrection' at
the capitol building. Much of the public has learned that
the FBI had personnel planted throughout the group for
the purpose of stirring up a normally peaceful
demonstration - into a violent riot. This allowed
the government to arrest hundreds of "Trump supporters"
in the group - who are still in prison and being held
without a trial ... where the vast majority did nothing
wrong. Many entered the building when the Capital Police
held the doors open, seemingly to invite them in. Yet,
the invitation was a skillfully conceived trap often
referred to as "a false flag".
New information continues to surface. But, we wanted
to link to some recent comments from Joe Rogan that
says what more than half the country already knows.
(Note: Readers should understand that Rogan is a secular
talk-show host who uses language that may be offensive
to some readers.
John Whitehead of the Rutherford
Institute also responds to the
corruption at the FBI in the
following commentaries;
Stand Up To Tyranny: How to Respond to
the Evils of Our Age
The FBI's Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight
Crime, the FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a Day
Additional information available
in the following commentaries:
Tucker Carlson: Up to 50 Trump Supporters
Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US
Dan Bongino, who worked for years as
a US Secret Service agent, comments
on the corruption and collapse of the
the FBI as a trusted law-enforcement
The Daily Wire hosts an interview, where
Dan Bongino (a retired Secret Service
agent) allows an FBI whistleblower to
share his shocking story about widespread
disgust within the bureau - concerning
its corruption. Everyone should see
these interviews, which are presented
in two parts.
The "Misinformation" The Biden Administration
And The News Media Wants To Silence...Is
Anything That Disagrees With Their Socialist
Agenda And Hold On Power. This Especially
Applies To Their False And Now Collapsing
Narrative That Governs The Covid Vaccine
Program, Which Has Destroyed Hundreds Of
Thousands (And Probably Millions) Of Lives.
Yet, It's Important To Remember That It's
Their Political Doctrine (Or Narrative)
That's The Real "Disinformation Program"
Threatening Our Country (As William Casey
Previously Described It).
Accusing anyone of "spreading misinformation"
in order to label them as an extremist - which
actually makes them "an enemy of the state"
is one of the 'Cornerstones of Communism',
which has resulted in the deaths of over 100
million people in the last century. It is now
an evil that must be defeated if America is to
survive as a free country...and Christians are
commanded by God to be directly involved in
this struggle as; "The Salt of the Earth".
Here's two more examples of the godlessness
we're dealing with. Read what one of the
left's congressional leaders recently said...
This article represent only a small glimpse
into the deep hatred the political left (which
BTW includes both democrats and republicans)
hold toward the God of the Bible.
Normally, we provide clips from "Awaken with JP"
for some comic relief. However, the following
video contained some surprisingly accurate
information about "spiriual warfare" that
everyone - especially Christians - should
watch. It is entitled ...
"Why I Changed My Mind About Evil! (I Was WRONG)"
Americans Need To See What's
Happening To Their Country
Now, the head of Homeland Security is
targeting - AS AN EXTREMIST - anyone
who claims the election was stolen and
those who reject the false Covid narative
of Dr. Anthony Fauci. This is now
official government policy that targets
along with the few vocal Christians who
are standing against this kind of evil
and corruption.
Even more outrageous - the head of DHS has
taken the next step by creating an agency
called "The Ministry of Truth" to fight
disinformation. Tulsi Gabbard, a former
democratic candidate for President, warns
in an interview with Hannity that...Every
dictatorship has a propaganda arm - a
"Ministry of Truth" ... and she is right.
US House Rep. Jim Jordan: Government is the
biggest 'purveyor' of disinformation.
This will allow the Biden Administration to
push any narrative they want by stifling
disagreement ... or by turning those who
disagree into 'terrorists' like they did
with the parents in VA. It's an inside
attempt by our own government to destroy the
First Amendment.
Americans - and especially Christians - must
not allow this to stand.
The deep-rooted hatred found on the political
Left is especially directed at all Bible-
Believing Christians...and the Lord Jesus
Christ - who we worship.
Two of the most notorious 'spreaders of
misinformation', Hillary and Obama, have
joined forces in an effort to expose
'misinformation' - which is anything or
anyone that disagrees with what they say
or the political left's false narrative.
Listen to how the "Media Reseach Center"
is the only organization working to
end this immoral crisis that will soon
destroy America if it isn't stopped.
Our question continues to be; Where are
the Christians...whom Jesus called "the
salt of the earth" - and why is the
Media Research Center, a secular
organization, fighting this clearly moral
battle alone - without their total
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